In a chilling revelation, renowned Japanese earthquake specialist and High Civil Engineer, Yoshinori Moriwaki, has reiterated his concerns about a potential seismic disaster looming over Istanbul. Moriwaki, who had previously identified vulnerable areas with unstable ground in the city, is now cautioning that a devastating Marmara earthquake could strike sooner than expected, possibly within weeks.
Speaking exclusively to CNN Türk, Japanese Earthquake Expert Yoshinori Moriwaki stated, “I believe we should be prepared for magnitudes as high as 7.6 to 7.9. An earthquake is on the horizon. It could occur as soon as a year from now, a month from now, or even within the next week.”
Moriwaki pinpointed the areas at the highest risk, including Atatürk Airport, Zeytinburnu, Küçükçekmece, Avcılar, Büyükçekmece, and the Fatih district, all of which have soft and unstable ground. He also highlighted vulnerable regions on the Anatolian side, such as Tuzla, Pendik, and the coastal areas.
Emphasizing the urgent need for urban redevelopment in Istanbul, Moriwaki drew parallels with the seismic events of 1999, stating, “We witnessed significant tremors in these areas during the ’99 earthquake. Soft ground exacerbates the problem. Why is Hatay particularly vulnerable? It’s due to the soft ground. Many of these buildings are connected and were constructed prior to the year 2000. Consequently, these structures are at substantial risk of sustaining extensive damage.”
This warning serves as a stark reminder of the pressing need for disaster preparedness and urban renewal in Istanbul as experts like Moriwaki advocate for proactive measures to mitigate potential catastrophe.