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HomeHeadlineGreece-Turkey Relations Take a Positive Turn: A New Chapter of Cooperation Unfolds

Greece-Turkey Relations Take a Positive Turn: A New Chapter of Cooperation Unfolds

In a significant development, Greece and Turkey have agreed to mend historical differences and forge a path toward stronger ties. The agreement, reached during a landmark visit by Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan to Athens, outlines a roadmap aimed at fostering good neighborly relations, enhancing communication channels, implementing military confidence-building measures, boosting trade, and addressing longstanding issues in the Aegean Sea.

The atmosphere during the summit marked a departure from the usual verbal disputes of the past, evolving into a notably warm exchange. The leaders, Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and President Erdogan, expressed their commitment to turning the Aegean into a “sea of peace” through joint efforts.

The thaw in relations gained momentum following Greece’s prompt dispatch of aid to Turkey after a devastating earthquake in February. This summit, characterized by unprecedented warmth, contrasts starkly with the tensions of Erdogan’s last visit in 2017, where historical grievances took center stage.

The leaders aspire to double bilateral trade volume to $10 billion, emphasizing the potential benefits of annual high-level meetings. Mitsotakis highlighted the historical responsibility of utilizing the opportunity to bring the two nations closer, while both countries seek to demonstrate their willingness to repair relations.

Issues such as territorial boundaries, energy resources, flights over the Aegean Sea, and the situation in Cyprus have long fueled tensions between Greece and Turkey. However, the leaders are determined to show that reconciliation is possible.

With Turkey seeking EU membership and Greece aiming to regain stability, the nations are navigating a shifting geopolitical landscape marked by events such as the war in Ukraine and the Gaza conflict. Positive steps, such as the re-establishment of an automatic visa system for Turkish nationals visiting Greek islands, indicate progress.

The leaders expressed optimism about ongoing meetings, hinting at a potential agreement on the demarcation of continental shelves and related economic exploitation zones in the future. This development could pave the way for exploration of oil or gas, aligning with the significant natural gas finds in the eastern Mediterranean.

While the nations were on the brink of war in the 1990s and faced recent disputes over various issues, the so-called “earthquake diplomacy” has once again played a role in turning the tide toward cooperation. President Erdogan urged a focus on positives, emphasizing a forward-looking perspective for the benefit of both nations.

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